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The Arts of Buddhism | 8th–16th century

Major Work(s) on Exhibit 4 results
Designation Name Creation/
Period Acquisition/
Accession Number
Highlight Important Cultural Property Sculpture Traditionally Identified as Minamoto no Yoritomo Kamakura period, 13th–14th century C-1526
Highlight Important Cultural Property "Distinction of Merits" Chapter of the "Lotus Sutra" Kamakura period, 1253 Lent by Hōgonji Temple, Shiga Prefecture
Highlight Important Cultural Property "Peaceful Practices" Chapter of the "Lotus Sutra" (From Kunōji Temple) Heian period, 12th century B-2396-2
Highlight Temple Banners with Beads Muromachi period, 1485 and 1492 E-13824