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Past Other Events

TNM Kids Day


TNM Kids Day is a special day dedicated to families with small children. We welcome all the excitement and noise of young explorers and host activities to help understand exhibitions that may be difficult. There will be spaces for families to eat and relax.

This fiscal year, we will host Kids Day on fourth Sundays of May, July, November, and January 2025.


Sunday, May 26, 2024; Sunday, July 28, 2024; Sunday, November 24, 2024; Sunday, January 26, 2025



Kids Space

Education Space, Basement of Honkan (Japanese Gallery)

This space provides children to play freely on safe mats.
There will be spaces for eating, breastfeeding, and changing diapers. Hotwater and microwave will be available to prepare milk or baby food as well.
We have other nursing areas in the museum, including the Entrance Gate Plaza. Please ask our staff.


May 26, 2024 (Sun)
Adults: 1,000 yen
University Students: 500 yen
* High / Junior High / Elementary School Students and persons under 18 or over 70: Free (Please show proof of age (driver’s license, passport, etc.) when entering.)
* Visitors with children will be prioritized in purchasing the tickets when ticket booths are crowded.
General Inquiries
050-5541-8600 (Hello Dial)