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The Arts of Buddhism | 8th–16th century

Major Work(s) on Exhibit 9 results
Designation Name Creation/
Period Acquisition/
Accession Number
Highlight Important Cultural Property The Buddha Entering Nirvana Kamakura period, 12th–13th century Lent by Shinyakushiji Temple, Nara
The Buddha Entering Nirvana Kamakura period, 14th century A-214
The Buddha Śākyamuni with Two Attendants and the Sixteen Arhats Kamakura period, 14th century A-262
The Buddha Shaka with Two Attendants and Ten Demonesses Nanbokuchō period, 14th century A-12093
The Buddha Shaka with the Six Patriarchs Kamakura period, 13th century A-24
The Bodhisattva Monju with Five Topknots Kamakura period, 14th century Gift of Mr. Matsunaga Yasuzaemon, A-10578
The Bodhisattva Fugen with Ten Demonesses Kamakura period, 14th century A-11790
Highlight Important Cultural Property Illustrated Scroll of Legends about San'no Shrine Kamakura period, dated 1288 (Koan 11) Lent by Hie Jinja, Shizuoka
Highlight National Treasure Volume 6 of the "Lotus Sutra" on Square Papers Heian period, 12th century Lent by Kongōbuji Temple ,Wakayama