September 21, 2020 (Mon) - November 15, 2020 (Sun)
Timed-entry tickets (timed tickets)
All tickets will be timed-entry tickets (timed tickets) and must be purchased in advance online. Museum members and other visitors eligible for free admission must also make advance reservations online.
With regard to the updated ticketing and entry procedures for the Special Exhibition “Kōgei 2020 – The Art of Crafting Beauty from Nature,” please check its official exhibition website.
Special Exhibition &
Regular exhibitions
(timed tickets)
Japan’s unique traditional craft arts, or kōgei, grew out of the close-knit spiritual sensibility and distinctive outlook on the living world born of existence in harmony with nature. One significant factor in this is the perspective on nature instilled throughout the long development of Japan’s history and culture by the multiplicity of the country’s natural environment, from the endlessly diverse landscape to the shifting seasons.
This exhibition brings together examples of kōgei that showcase Japan’s artistic culture to the world, with 82 stunning modern pieces created by 82 artists freely expressing their creative vision through a range of artistic techniques. Though based in long tradition, these works that reflect the connections between nature and beauty of form speak to the affection and awe in which the natural world is held by the Japanese people, while providing an expression of fresh perspectives on nature.
List of Works