The treasures of Japan's four National Museums in the palm of your hand!
Zoom and scroll freely for an entirely new art appreciation experience.
e-Museum provides access to high-resolution images of National Treasure- and Important Cultural Property-designated objects in the collections of Japan's four National Museums.
Zoom in, zoom out and scroll to enjoy an extensive variety of works in detail. This includes a selection of illustrated scrolls and Buddhist sutras which are viewable as one continuous image from beginning to end. Bookmark your favorite pages for repeated easy access. Share your bookmarks with other users through Twitter.
Zoom in, zoom out and scroll to enjoy an extensive variety of works in detail.
The e-Museum app is available in Japanese, English, French, Chinese and Korean.
This includes a selection of illustrated scrolls and Buddhist sutras which are viewable as one continuous image from beginning to end.

For selected works, multiple high-resolution images allow viewing from all angles.

Bookmark your favorite pages for repeated easy access. Share your bookmarks with other users through Twitter.

iOS / Android universal app.

for iOS: iOS 8.0 or later.
for Android: Requires Android 2.3 or later
*When using this application, you will need an Internet connection. Make sure your device is connected to the Internet before using it.
English / Japanese / French / Chinese / Korean
Download URL
for iOS:

Free of Charge (36.3MB)
for Android:

Free of Charge (2.14MB)
Planned by: National Institutes for Cultural Heritage
Content produced by: Tokyo National Museum, Kyoto National Museum, Nara National Museum, Kyusyu National Museum
Developed by: Tokyo National Museum