Pine Trees
By Hasegawa Tohaku, Azuchi-Momoyama period, 16th century (National Treasure)
Room 2, Honkan
January 2 - 14, 2013
Kokin Wakashu Poetry Anthology, Gen'ei Version
Heian period, 12th century (National Treasure, Gift of Mr. Mitsui Takahiro)
Room 3, Honkan
January 2 - 14, 2013
Undergarment for Armor, Shokko roundel design on white brocade
Edo period, 19th century
Room 5 & 6, Honkan
January 2 - February 24, 2013
Wind God and Thunder God
By Ogata Korin, Edo period, 18th century (Important Cultural Property)
Room 7, Honkan
January 2 - 14, 2013
Account of a Visit to the Eastern Provinces

By Karasumaru Mitsuhiro, Edo period, 17th century
Room 8, Honkan
January 2 - 14, 2013
Noh Mask, Okina type

Formerly preserved by the Konparu School, Nara, Muromachi period, 16th century (Important Cultural Property)
Room 11, Honkan
January 2 - 14, 2013
Standing Daikokuten (One of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune)

By Kaiken Formerly owned by Todai-ji, Nara, Nanbokucho period, dated 1347 (Important Cultural Property, Lent by Agency for Cultural Affairs)
Room 11, Honkan
January 2 - 14, 2013