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Sculptures from India and Gandhara

Major Work(s) on Exhibit 8 results
Designation Name Creation/
Period Acquisition/
Accession Number
Highlight Buddha Gandhara, Pakistan Kushan dynasty, 2nd–3rd century TC-80
Highlight Bodhisattva Kushan dynasty, 2nd century TC-81
Highlight Worship of the Bowl: Cross-Legged Bodhisattvas Afghanistan 3rd-4th century Gift of Ms. Yano Tsuruko, TC-728
Highlight Pillar Fragment Amaravati, India Satavahana dynasty, ca. 1st century TC-739
Highlight Dīpankara Jātaka Gandhara, Pakistan Kushan dynasty, 2nd–3rd century TC-650
The Birth of the Buddha; Bathing of the Buddha Kushan dynasty, 2nd–3rd century TC-653-2
Highlight Fragment of Relief Sculpture: Yakṣiṇī Pakistan Kushan dynasty, 2nd–3rd century Gift of Mr. Katō Hiroshi, TC-583
Highlight The Bodhisattva Maitreya Kashmir 7th–8th century TC-742