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Production Process of the Golden Amitabha Buddha

  • Image of "Amida Nyorai (Amitabha)(detail),  Kamakura period, 14th century, (Gift of Mr. Matsunaga Yasuzaemon)"

    Amida Nyorai (Amitabha)(detail), Kamakura period, 14th century, (Gift of Mr. Matsunaga Yasuzaemon)

    Japanese Gallery (Honkan) Room 19
    April 7, 2015 (Tue) - September 23, 2015 (Wed)

    Buddhism teaches that after enlightenment, Buddha was suffused with gold from head to toe. In paintings, the completely golden figure of Buddha was rendered using a decorative technique whereby thinly cut gold leaf is applied over a ground of gold paint.Used together, the gold leaf and paint create a strikingly brilliant effect. This exhibition introduces this technique through step-by-step reproductions of Amitabha Buddha, a painting in the museum collection.

    The original hanging scroll was painted in the 14th century during the Kamakura period. Models in this exhibition demonstrate the production process in five stages, using pigments similar to those in the original. Materials used for the golden decorationare also introduced.

    These models aim to faithfully demonstrate the techniques used to produce the original painting. Through looking at the original work closely with the help of the models, we hope visitors will gain a deeper understanding of Japanese Buddhist painting.

    We give our heartfelt thanks to the student volunteer Yuko Takeda at Tokyo University of the Arts who produced the models, as well as to all who contributed to this exhibit.

Production Process of the Golden Amitabha Buddha

1. Copying the Image


2ドーサ液を塗る 3木枠にはめて転写する
2. Tracing onto Silk (Kinu-age)


4裏面から下地 5表から鉛白下地
3. Base Coat


6金泥を練る 8金泥塗り重ね
4. Gold Paint


9截金(衣紋線) 10截金(文様)
5.Applying Kirikane (Cut gold leaf)



Production Process of the Golden Amitabha Buddha
(In Japanese)

The pamphlet is distributed in Education center: Education space (19 Room, Honkan) during the thematic exhibition periods


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