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Practical Research and Examination

Preserving Our Cultural Properties


Our mission is to preserve the Tokyo National Museum collection which houses approximately 110,000 items of cultural properties. Preservation of cultural property involves balancing public access with conservation needs.

This requires a comprehensive approach which entails the precise application of preventive and remedial conservation in accordance with our long-term vision. We practice primary care as a comprehensive approach through regular clinical diagnosis, preventive measure and remedial treatment for cultural properties based on various experiences accumulated over the years and through latest research results.


Entire Flow

Ageing and Degradation
Practical Research and Examination
Preventive Conservation
Remedial Conservation
Continuing to Make Progress
Ageing and Degradation → Practical Research and Examination →  Preventive Conservation →  Remedial Conservation →  Continuing to Make Progress


Practical Research and Examination

Objects are surveyed in order to assess their condition. While continuing to research for information on the objects, aspects in the internal structures and materials used, that can not be seen by the naked eye, become clear. The results of these examinations are filed in an examination record.
External Examination
External Examination
A conservator uses a microscope to obtain an extremely detailed view of the surface.
Internal Examination
Internal Examination
The position of nails and clamps inside a statue, which hold it together, is checked using X-rays.
Material Examination
Material Examination
Conservators are able to determine ways to preserve paper by identifying the type of fibers with the use of a microscope.
Surface Examination
The sketch lines and the condition of the surface can be checked using ultraviolet light and infrared light.
Painting under normal light Painting under normal light "Commodore Matthew Perry" Painting under ultra-violet light
Painting under ultra-violet light
The areas covered with varnish appear as blue, and the unevenly painted areas are also distinguishable.
Non-Destructive Analysis
Constituent element analysis provides insight into pigment types.
蛍光X線分析結果グラフ  分析調査中の画像