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Tea Ceremony

Major Work(s) on Exhibit 5 results
Designation Name Creation/
Period Acquisition/
Accession Number
Highlight Letter By Sen no Rikyū (1522–91) Azuchi-Momoyama period, 16th century Gift of Mr. Zenda Ki'ichirō, B-2539
Highlight Tea Bowl, Named "Sawarabi (Sprouting Bracken)" Korea Joseon dynasty, 16th–17th century Gift of Mr. Hirota Matsushige, TG-2713
Highlight Tea Bowl, Named "Fukujusō (Amur Adonis)" Korea Joseon dynasty, 17th century Gift of Dr. Yokogawa Tamisuke, TG-224
Highlight Incense Container with Red Circles Zhangzhou ware, China Ming dynasty, 17th century Gift of Mr. Hirota Matsushige, TG-2554
Incense Container in the Shape of a Base Stone Iga ware Edo period, 17th century G-193