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Auspicious Motifs in Noh Designs

Major Work(s) on Exhibit 4 results
Designation Name Creation/
Period Acquisition/
Accession Number
Highlight Noh Costume ("Nuihaku") with Haze, Flowers, and "Noshi" Strips Edo period, 18th century Agency for Cultural Affairs
Highlight Noh Costume ("Sobatsugi") with Clouds and Dragons Edo period, 18th century Agency for Cultural Affairs
Highlight Noh Costume ("Karaori") with Peonies, Young Pine, and Peacock Feathers Passed down by the Uesugi clan Edo period, 18th century I-2033
Highlight Nuihaku Garment (Noh costume) with Clematic, Pampas Grass and Scattered Fans Passed down by the Mōri clan Azuchi-Momoyama–Edo period, 17th century I-2903