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Tea Ceremony

Major Work(s) on Exhibit 5 results
Designation Name Creation/
Period Acquisition/
Accession Number
Highlight Tea Bowl Named "Kimura" Korea Joseon dynasty, 16th-17th century Gift of Mr. Hirota Matsushige TG-2705
Important Art Object Tea Bowl "Oido" type; known as "Uraku-ido" Korea, Formerly owned by Oda Urakusai and Kinokuniya Bunzaemon Joseon dynasty, 16th century Gift of Mr. Matsunaga Yasuzaemon TG-2204
Tea Scoop Named "Kame (Turtle)" By Sugiki Fusai (1628-1706) Edo period, 17th century Gift of Mr. Hirota Matsushige G-5379
Highlight Flower Vase with Elephant-Shaped Handles Longquan ware, China, China Yuan-Ming dynasty, 14th-15th century Gift of Mr. Hirota Matsushige TG-2508
Highlight Tea Bowl Karatsu ware, Seto-Karatsu type Edo period, 17th century Gift of Mr. Matsunaga Yasuzaemon G-4834