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No.711 (August 2024) A4size  1572yen

"Female Chieftains of the Islands: Study on the Kuroyama No.1 Burial Mound, Hōfu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture" By KAWANO Masanori
"Seated Statue of Amitayus Buddha and Nine-pronged Vajra Bell with Ming-dynasty Xuande Reign Marks" By NISHIKI Masanori

No.710 (June 2024) A4size  1572yen

"Textiles from the Ōtani Expedition in the Tokyo National Museum Collection: Overview and Classification since their Acquisition by the Museum" By HIROYA Himeka and NUMAZAWA Yukari
"A Theory Regarding the Imperial Prize Dragon Medals and Policies for Castaways in the Qing Dynasty" By ICHIMOTO Rui and TORIGOE Toshiyuki

No.709 (April 2024) A4size  1572yen

"'Landscape' Attributed to Mi Youren and 'Landscape' by Sesshū in the Mohri Museum Collection, Yamaguchi" By OH Youngsam
"An Art Historical Examination of the Portraits at Jingoji" By YONEKURA Michio
"A Comparative Study of Chinese and Japanese Tapestries for the Gion Festival, etc.: One Hundred Boys’ Design Tapestries from the 17th to 19th Century" By YOSHIDA Masako
"Banner for Buddhist Ceremonial Hall, Made of 'Ra' Gauze Silk" By SAWADA Mutsuyo

No.708 (February 2024) A4size  1572yen

"An Observation on 'Tresses' by Ikeda Shōen: Through the Relationship of Ukiyo-e Studies and 'Genroku-style Patterns'" By YAMAMOTO Yuri
"Scarred Metacarpal of Sika Deer: Report on a Deer-Bone Pendant Excavated from Kamitakane Shell Mound" By KANEKO Hiromasa
"A Report on the 150th Anniversary Publicity Projects at the Tokyo National Museum" By KITŌ Satomi, EHARA Kaori, KOJIMA Kei, and OGIDŌ Masahiro

No.707 (December 2023) A4size  1572yen

"Study of Ancient Chinese Clay Seals by High-resolution X-ray Scanning" By TANI Toyonobu, ICHIMOTO Rui, MIYATA Masahiro, and SASAKI Yuka
"Study on the Dating of Indian Chintz Transmitted in Sulawesi, Indonesia: With a Focus on Decorative Representations" By NUMAZAWA Yukari

No.706 (October 2023) A4size  1572yen

"Optical Analysis of 'Genre Scenes of the Twelve Months': Focusing on the 'Inuoumono' (Dog Chase) and 'Fuji no Makigari' (Hunting Session at the Foot of Mt. Fuji) Scenes" By WASHIZU Katsura
"The Production of 'Genre Scenes of the Twelve Months' Seen from Representations of Family" By KOJIMA Michihiro
"Dating the 'Genre Scenes of the Twelve Months' from Depictions of Fashion and Custom" By OYAMA Yuzuruha

No.705 (August 2023) A4size  1572yen

"'Heracles Holding a Drinking Cup' from Hatra in the Collection of the Tokyo National Museum" By TANABE Tadashi
"Research Report on Japanese and other Asian Archaeological Objects in the Seattle Asian Art Museum Collection" By KAWANO Kazutaka, IIDA Shigeo, ICHIMOTO Rui, OSAWA Shogo, KAWANO Masakuni, YAMAMOTO Ryo
"'Letter from Morita Masayasu to Akimoto, with Postscript' in the Akimoto Takeo Family Documents" By KIM Hyunkyung

No.704 (June 2023) A4size  1572yen

"On the Creation of the National Treasure 'Landscape' Painted by Sesshū" By TAKASHIMA Akihiko and HASHIMOTO Yū
"A Study of Nagamachi Chikuseki's 'Beihōsansui-zu': Elucidating the Friendship Between Chikuseki and Noro Kaiseki" By TSUGITA Yoshiharu
"Triad Container with Stand" By ICHIMOTO Rui
"An Introduction to the Tsuboya Ware Objects in Tokyo National Museum's Ryukyu Collection" By MIKASA Keiko

No.703 (April 2023) A4size  1572yen

"CT Images of Works Displayed at UNKEI: The Great Master of Buddhist Sculpture, Part II" by ASAMI Ryūsuke, SARAI Mai and NISHIKI Masanori

No.702 (February 2023) A4size  1572yen

"An Inquiry into the Calligraphic History of the Hawthorn Poem section of Tokyo National Museum's
Miscellaneous Flowers and Plants by Xu Wei: The "Resignation" and "Resentment" in Xu Wei's Painting and Calligraphy" By MATSUMIYA Takayuki
"'Tan'yū Shukuzu' by Kanō Tan'yū ('Plums, Bamboo, and Sweets')" By ONO Mayumi

No.701 (December 2022) A4size  1572yen

"The Stone Buddhist Sculptures of Baoqingsi Temple and Hayasaki Kōkichi: Their Purchase and Sale as Recorded in Hayasaki's Diary" By ISHIMATSU Hinako
"The Historical Significance of a Dōmaru Gusoku Armor with Vermillion-Lacquered Honkozane Scales and Takuboku Lacing that was Passed Down by the Matsudaira Clan of Tsuyama Domain" By SATO Hirosuke

No.700 (October 2022) A4size  1572yen

"The Tokyo National Museum Celebrates 150 Years" By FUJIWARA Makoto
"Evacuation of Cultural Properties during World War II: Air Defense Measures in 1941" By KOYAMA-HAYASHI Rie
"Preliminary Considerations on the Waniguchi Gong Excavated from the Saginomori Site in Wakayama" By SHIMIZU Riyo

No.699 (August 2022) A4size  1572yen

"Conservation and Restoration of the Tokyo National Museum Collection:Marking Fifty Years of Textile Conservation for the Hōryūji Treasures" By SEYA Ai
"The Hōryūji Treasures: A History of Textile Conservation" By SAWADA Mutsuyo
"Research Notes: From the Frontlines of Textile Conservation" By SAWADA Mutsuyo

No.698 (June 2022) A4size  1572yen

"Conservation and Reproduction of Mo and Hō Garments in the Collection of Hōryūji Treasures" By MITA Kakuyuki
"The Use of Kyōkechi Dyeing in the Reproduction of Gigaku Costumes in the Collection of Hōryūji Treasures" By LEE Jungeun

No.697 (April 2022) A4size  1572yen

"A Standing Bodhisattva Sculpture Dedicated by Wei Man and Others in the Third Year of the Tianbao Era of the Northern Qi Dynasty (Tokyo National Museum Collection)" By ISHIMATSU Hinako
"Inscription for a Standing Bodhisattva Sculpture Dedicated by Wei Man and Others in the Third Year of the Tianbao Era of the Northern Qi Dynasty: Text, Revisions, and Annotations" By SATŌ Chisui and KITAMURA Kazuto

No.696 (February 2022) A4size  1572yen

"CT Images of Works Displayed at 'UNKEI: The Great Master of Buddhist Sculpture'" By ASAMI Ryūsuke, SARAI Mai, and NISHIKI Masanori

No.695 (December 2021) A4size  1572yen

"The Standing Bodhisattva Sculpture at Enpukuji Temple, Shimane: An Example of a 'Danzo' Made with Alternate Materials" By MUKUNOKI Kenji
"A Study of Goshun's 'White Plum Blossoms'" By UCHIYAMA Kaoru

No.694 (October 2021) A4size  1572yen

"Pendants with Six Bells from the Northern Reaches of the Northern Wei Dynasty" By ICHIMOTO Rui
"Double-Layer Bowls Excavated in Hakata" By TSUNEMATSU Mikio

No.693 (August 2021) A4size  1572yen

"Study of the Inarizuka Tumulus in Minano City, Saitama Prefecture 'Sword with a Phoenix Ornament in a Ring-Shaped Pommel'" By KIM Woodae, KAWANO Masanori and ARAKI Tominori
"The Iconography of the Pedestal of the Yakushi Nyorai Sculpture Enshrined at the Main Hall of Hōryūji Temple" By MITA Kakuyuki

No.692 (June 2021) A4size  1572yen

"The Bishamonten Sculpture Formerly Owned by Iwayaji Temple in Oku-Izumo: On the Inscriptions Found Inside the Sculpture" By IWATA Shigeki
"The Origins and Characteristics of Tenmyō Kettles" By TAIRA Ryūji

No.691 (April 2021) A4size  1572yen

"Lujiatun No.3 Brick Tomb: A Study of the Tokyo National Museum's Collection of Materials from the Liaodong Peninsula (1)" By ISHIKAWA Takehiko and ICHIMOTO Rui
"Chronological Overview of Research Materials Related to the 'Scrolls of Frolicking Animals'" By TSUCHIYA Takahiro

No.690 (February 2021) A4size  1572yen

"Researching Lelang Seals Using X-ray Imagery ――A Survey of Clay Seals in the Collections of the University of Tokyo's Department of Archaeology and the Tokyo National Museum――" By TANI Toyonobu
"Jivajiva(Legendary Bird)" By KATSUKI Genichiro

No.689 (December 2020) A4size  1572yen

"The Historical Significance of the Riveted Helmet Bowl with Twelve Divisions (Tokyo National Museum Collection): A Re-evaluation of Items Found at the Iko Sutra Mound in Adachi Ward" By SATO Hirosuke
"The Bugaku Screens by Sumiyoshi Hiroyuki" By FURUYA Miyako
"The Nara Leaves (Nara no kuchiba)" By ENDO Moto'o and SATŌ Kenji

No.688 (October 2020) A4size  1572yen

"Reconsidering the Autumn Bush Clover Scroll within the History of Calligraphy" By FURUYA Minoru

No.687 (August 2020) A4size  1572yen

"Katana Sword attributed to Ko-Hōki, with a Silver-Wrapped Sword Mounting, Itomaki-no-Tachi Type, and a Tantō Sword by Kanemitsu, with a Gold-Wrapped sword mounthing, Aikuchi Type, in the Ōgamiyama Shrine Collection" By SAKAI Motoki
"Jizo Bodhisattava Statue from a Private Collection" By YAMAGUCHI Ryūsuke
"Ceramics from Kyoto during the Horeki, Meiwa, and An'ei eras (1751-1781): ocus on Raku Ware" By IMAI Atsushi

No.686 (June 2020) A4size  1572yen

"Ninsei's Jar for Tea Leaves with the Moon and Plum Blossoms" By IMAI Atsushi
"The Changing Appearance of the Bodhisattvas on Wall no.6 of the Horyuji Kondō" By MITA Kakuyuki

No.685 (April 2020) A4size  1572yen

"The korean Nectar Painting of Chōdenji Temple in Mie Prefecture and its Relation to Syncretic Funerary Rituals" By OH Youngsam
"Symbolic Auspicious Images in Shen Nanping's Scroll of One-Hundred Delights" By TSUGITA Yoshiharu
"Study of Hanging Lantern with Plums and Bamboos" By ITO Shinji

No.684 (February 2020) A4size  1572yen

"The Wooden Gigaku Mask at the Cleveland Museum of Art: The Artisan and its Inscription" By IWATA Shigeki
"Kenshō and the Design of the Five-Storied Pagoda of Ninnaji Temple: On the Foundation of its 17th–century Painted Murals" By HAYASHI On
"Sakurai Kōun's Copies of the Hōryūji Murals and Ernest M. Satow" SUZUKI Hiroyuki
"Study of Hina Dolls and Accessories" By MITA Kakuyuki

No.683 (December 2019) A4size  1572yen

"The Iron Mirror of Matsuyama Kofun in Nara Revisited" KAWANO Kazutaka, KAWANO Masanori, By YAMAMOTO Ryo, ARAKI Tominori, MIYATA Masahiro
"The Seated Nyoirin Kannon of the Tokyo National Museum and Danzō Sculptures" By NISHIKI Masanori
"Hayasaki Kokichi's Zozoshokakuki (Record of the Obtainment of Stone Sculptures)" By ISHIMATSU Hinako

No.682 (October 2019) A4size  1572yen

"The Buddha Triad of Situ Yongsun and Others in the Tokyo National Museum" By ISHIMATSU Hinako
"Notes on the Production of Two Replicas of Gigaku Masks from the Gallery of Hōryūji Treasures" By MITA Kakuyuki

No.681 (August 2019) A4size  1572yen

"Images of Hawks with the Seal "Hōrin"" By SHINOMIYA Mihoko
"The Newly-Aquired Bronze Mirror in the Fiscal Year 2017 and a Similar Mirror: A Brief Study of Early Bronze-Mirror Production in Japan" By KATO Ichiro
"Examining Tibetan-Buddhist Art in the Possession of the Tokyo National Museum: The Vajrāvali Mandala Set and Fragments of Liupin Lou(六品樓) Cast Statuettes" By TANAKA Kimiaki
"Study of Water Jar in the Shape of a Mortar, Tanba ware" By YOKOYAMA Azusa

No.680 (June 2019) A4size  1572yen

"A Study of Merrymaking at Kiyomizu Temple in the MOA Museum collection" By TATENO Marimi
"A Gigaku Mask in the Tsunashikikitenmangu in Hyogo Prefecture" By IWATA Shigeki
"Evaluation of Vibration Levels during the Transportation of Cultural Propaerties by Ship" By WADA Hiroshi
"Lidded Bowls (Futa Makai)" By MIKASA Keiko

No.679 (April 2019) A4size  1572yen

Reexamination of “Samples Formerly Owned by Kohara Jiro for a Materials Study of Wooden Sculptures”
“Introduction to ‘Samples Formerly Owned by Kohara Jiro for a Materials Study of Wooden Sculptures’ ” By KANEKO Hiroaki
“Wood Identification of ‘Samples Formerly Owned by Kohara Jiro for a Materials Study of Wooden Sculptures’ ” By NOSHIRO Shuichi and ABE Hisashi
“Wood Identification of ‘Prunus wilsonii Koehne’ and Lauraceae spp.: The Wood Species of the Standing Buddha of Seiryo-ji and the Standing Vaisravana (Tobatsu-Bishamonten) of To-ji” By FUJII Tomoyuki
“Selection of the Laurel Family Wood as the Material for Sculptures of Buddhism” By IWASA Mitsuharu

No.678 (February 2019) A4size  1572yen

"Ikeda Tsunamasa and the Creation of Noh Masks: With a Focus on the "Unique Names" Noted in the Omen Hikae" By ASARI Naomi
"About Wu Bin during His Time in Nanjing" By TAKAHASHI Aki
"The Buddha Entering Nirvana at Shinpuku-zan Shōgen-ji in Komono-chō, Mie Prefecture" By FUJIMOTO Yūji and FUJIMOTO Shōko
"Study of Karaori Noh Costume; Design of bamboo curtains, shikishi and tanzaku poem cards, and bush clovers on a red, green, and brown checkered ground" By OYAMA Yuzuruha

No.677 (December 2018) A4size  1572yen

"Monkey by Kanō Sansetsu: Its Appeal and Provenance" By YAMASHITA Yoshiya
"A Study of Yosa Buson's Gabi rochō zukan" By UCHIYAMA Kaoru
"Museum Protection in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province during the Second Sino-Japanese War" By TOKUNAGA Satoshi

No.676 (October 2018) A4size  1572yen

"The Transfer of Buddhisut Sculptures from Kōfukuji in the Meiji Era and Their Locations Today: Source-study Reserch Conducted Using Old Photographs at Kōfukuji" By YAMAGUCHI Ryūsuke and Miyazaki Motoko
"A Wood-core Dry-lacquer Standing Vaiśravana Sculpture from Nyohoji, Ehime" By IWATA Shigeki

No.675 (August 2018) A4size  1572yen

"The History of Rakuyaji in Shiga and Its Primary Object of Worship" By NISHIKI Masanori
"The Wood Types of the Rakuyaji Sculptures (Study)" By IWASA Mitsuharu
"The Wood Types of the Rakuyaji Sculptures (Data)" By NOSHIRO Shūichi and FUJII Tomoyuki

No.674 (June 2018) A4size  1572yen

"An Examination of the Iconography of Soga Shōhaku's Immortals and Lin Hejing" By Milosz Wozny
"The Early Activities of Nomura Shōjirō: From Embroidery Merchant to Antique Dealer" By Sawada Kazuto
"The Buddha Entering Nirvana at Hōshakuzan Kōzenji Temple" By Fujimoto Yuji

No.673 (April 2018) A4size  1572yen

"A Consideration of the Manjusri Mounted on a Lion of Abe Monjuin" By MASUDA Masafumi
"Gilt-bronze Statues of Bodhisattvas with One Leg Pendent in the Tokyo National Museum Collection: Focusing on Composition Analysis and Sculptural Techniques" By FUJIOKA Yutaka, MITA Kakuyuki, YAMAGUCHI Ryusuke, KAGAMIYAMA Satoko, MIN Byoung-chan, PARK Hak-soo, and KWON Kang-mi

No.672 (February 2018) A4size  1572yen

"The Production of Decorative Calligraphy Models in the Tokyo National Museum Collection: With Draft Writings by Monk Seisho as a Clue" by HAMANO Mayumi
"Reserch Reoprt on Wooden Fragments in Brāhmī Script Housed in the Tokyo National Museum" By OGIHARA Hirotoshi a d CHING Chao-jung
"On the Kučā-Kharoṣṭhī Wooden Fragments Kept in the Tokyo National Museum" By CHING Chao-jung
"Kano Tan'yu and Nagai Shinsai Naomasa: Acquaintance between an Appointed Painter and a Daimyo-lord Tea Master" By ONO Mayumi

No.671 (December 2017) A4size  1572yen

"The Imakumano Kamezuka Sutra Tablets in the Tokyo National Museum Collection and the Ink Rubbings Formerly Owned by Yamane Tokutaro" By KATO Shungo
"The meibtsu Sword Known as Okayama Tobiro: II" By SAKAI Motoki
"On the Lost Folding Screens of Letters from Foreign Countries" By FUJITA Reio

No.670 (October 2017) A4size  1572yen

"Fragments of Canopy Ornaments, Brocade, Tapestry, and Embroidery among the Ancients Textiles Derving from Horyuji: Restorations FY 2014" By SAWADA Mutsuyo
"Wooden Tablets in the Horyuji Treasures Collection, Tokyo National Museum" By MITA Kakuyuki and WATANABE Akihikro

No.669 (August 2017) A4size  1572yen

"The Interior Paintings of Daisen-in and Kano Yukinobu; Legendary Chinese Figures of the Shoin Room" By MATSUKI Hiroshi
"The Album of Cherries Published by the Imperial Household Museum and the Album of Japanese Cherry Blossoms Planned at the Natural History Department" By TANAKA Junko
"CT Cross-Sectional Images of the Seated Mahavairocana of Shinnyo-en Shinchoji: Research Report" By MARUYAMA Shiro

No.668 (June 2017) A4size  1572yen

"The Demons under the Vaisravana at Ganjojuin and their Significance in the History of Sculptures" By YAMADA Miki
"The Seven Bhaisajyaguruvaiduryaprabhas of Tendai Buddhism at Kwisokuji, Shiga" By NISHIKI Masanori
"THe Twelve Heavenly Generals from Sogenji Temple" By OKU Takeo

No.667 (April 2017) A4size  1572yen

"Canton-type Textiles in the Tokyo National Museum Horyuji Treasures Collection: Classification and their Transmission of Motifs Seen through Paintings and Sculptures" By SAWADA Mutuyo
"The Seated Amitabha Statue Inscribed with the Year Kyuan 2 at Taikyuji Temple of Kasugai, Aichi Prefecture" By YAMAMOTO Tsutomu and ONO Kayo

No.666 (February 2017) A4size  1572yen

"A Study on the Collecting of "Keicho Kosode" and the Collector Tamura Shungyo: Focusing on the Kosode Robe Kept by the Agency for Cultural Affairs" By SHOKA Naoko
"Expansion of Premissions for Access to the Shosoin Treasures in the Taisho Era and the Role of Mori Ogai, Director of the Imperial Household Museum" By TARASHIMA Satoshi
"The Painting of Cundi in the Tokyo National Museum Collecition" By OKIMATSU Kenjiro

No.665 (December 2016) A4size  1572yen

"Eight Views of Xiao and Xiang Rivers of the Yugensai Collection and its Origin" By OH Youngsam
"The Dual-Bodied Vaisravana at Todaiji Temple" By IWATA Shigeki
"A Painting of Immortal Poets with an Inscription by Sanjonishi Kin'eda, in the Yomei Bunko Collection" By ONO Mayumi

No.664 (October 2016) A4size  1572yen

"Study of Clay Seals from Ancient China through X-ray Photography" By TANI Toyonobu
"The Historical Significance of Zenken kojitsu" By NAKANO Noriyuki
"The Wayang Kulit Collection of Mr. Taeda Tsuyoshi" By SHIRAI Katsuya

No.663 (August 2016) A4size  1572yen

"The Topos of the Site in Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land by An Gyeon" By OH Youngsam
"Weavers and Dyers in the MOA Museum Collection: A Study of its Motifs and Themes" By TATENO Marimi
"Two Paintings of Hanshan and Shide by Soga Shohaku" By Milosz WOZNY

No.662 (June 2016) A4size  1572yen

"Fragments of Tie-dyed, Twill, Brocade, Cords, Embroidery, Carpets, and Other Ancient Textiles Formerly Preserved at Horyuji Temple: Outcomes of Conservation for FY 2012" By SAWADA Mutsuyo
"Restoring the Designs of Ancient Textiles Formerly Preserved at Horyuji Temple" By MITA Kakuyuki

No.661 (April 2016) A4size  1572yen

"The Truth of Ita-tate-uma: Repudiation of the Origin of Ema Votive Tablets Being Horse-shaped Objects" By TSUBOI Toshitaka
"An Essay on Outing in Mountains and Fields by Yosa Buson" By UCHIYAMA Kaoru
"The Dissemination of Saigo Takamori's Verse Retired and Far Away and his Calligraphy: From Relations beetween his Portrait by Kobayashi Kiyochika" By EMI Chizuko

No.660 (February 2016) A4size  1572yen

"Study on the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra Printed during the Nanbokucho and Muromachi Periods: Focusing on the Souei Edition and the Tofukuji Edition" By FUJITA Reio
"Representing Butterfly-shaped Bone Objects through the Making of Reproduction Models" By KANEKO Hiromasa
"The Standing Ekadasamukha Formerly Preserved at Tonomine" By MITA Kakuyuki

No.659 (December 2015) A4size  1572yen

"The Seated Yakushi Nyorai of Kokusekiji and its Inscriptions" By NISHIKI Masanori
"The Takauji Gankyo Scriptures and the Song-dynasty Sixi Edition of the Buddhist Canon" By SASAKI Isamu
"Reconsidering the Subject of the Seated Statue of a Monk Identified as Horen-bo" By ASANUMA Takeshi

No.658 (October 2015) A4size  1572yen

"Decorative Art from Horyuji Temple Seen through Sarira Adornments of Baekje: Focusing on a Footed Bowl in the Tokyo National Museum and a Sarira Bottle at Horyuji" By MITA Kakuyuki
"Tie-dyee Fabric, Brocade and Twill-weave Silk from the Ancient Textiles of Horyuji: Restorations FY2011" By SAWADA Mutsuyo

No.657 (August 2015) A4size  1572yen

"Teika's Flowers and Birds of the Twelve Months by Tosa Mitsuoki in the Tokyo National Museum Collection: Focusing on the Connection to the Cloistered Emperor Gomizuno'o" By ENDO Motoko
"Two Guardian Kings, Currently Kept by the Agency for Cultural Affairs" By OKU Takeo
" Dendrochronological Study of Two Guardian Kings" By HOSHINO Yasuharu, KOJIMA Daisuke, MITSUTANI Takumi
"Sketches of Flowers and Plants by Kano Tan'yu: Chronology and the Sources of Objects" By ONO Mayumi

No.656 (June 2015) A4size  1572yen

"The Activities of Hayasaki Kokichi: Focusing on Chinese Sculptures Collected by Okakura Kakuzo in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston" By ONISHI Junko
"Twill Silk Canopy Banners with Painted Designs Formerly Preserved at Horyuji Temple" By MITA Kakuyuki

No.655 (April 2015) A4size  1572yen

"Banner-legs and Brocade Fragments in the Tokyo National Museum Collection, among Ancient Textiles Formerly Preserved at Horyuji Temple: A Report on the Restoration in 2010" By SAWADA Mutsuyo and MITA Kakuyuki
"Red Raku Tea Bowl, Known as "Nue", by Donyu" By IMAI Atsushi
"A Study on the Educational Aspects of the Thematic Exhibition Bears and Peaple: Analyzing Bear-themed Works in the Tokyo National Museum Collection" By KAMBE Chika

No.654 (February 2015) A4size  1572yen

"Approaches to the Conservation of Cypress Trees and Establishing Conservation Environments" By KAMBA Nobuyuki
"Kano Eitoku and Cypress Trees" By TAZAWA Hiroyoshi
"Conservation of Cultural Properties and Altering the Status Quo: Dismantling and Restoring the National Treasure Cypress Trees" By ASAKA Hiroshi
"On the Methods and Procedures of the Conservation of Cypress Trees" By SUZUKI Haruhiko
"Nondestructive Internal Structure Observation of Cypress Trees by Terahertz Time Domain Imaging" By FUKUNAGA Kaori

No.653 (December 2014) A4size  1572yen

"Sources of Imagery and Concept for The Earth Spider Conjures up Damons at the Mansion of Minamoto no Raiko" By SODA Megumi
"A Study on Goshodoki Designs: Conception and Exemplification" By SUZUKI Noriko

No.652 (October 2014) A4size  1572yen

"The Statues at Nangu Jinja Shrine, Hiroshima and the Narratives of Japanese Deity Statues" By MARUYAMA Shiro
"A Study on the Interpretation of Hidden Characters on the Tachi Sword Mounting, Hyogo-gusari Type, in the Niutsuhime Jinjya Shrine Colleciton" By Sakai Motoki

No.651 (August 2014) A4size  1572yen

"Guan Celadon Ware Cherished by Japanese: An Accompaniment to the Exhibition at Tokyo National Museum" By SATO Sarah
"Notes on the History of Chinese Celadon Studies: The Significance of the Yokogawa Collecition" By MIKASA Keiko
"Reproductions of Sutras from Itsukushima Shrine by the Museum: How the People of Meiji Saw the Heike Nokyo Sutras" By EMI Chizuko

No.650 (June 2014) A4size  1572yen

"Paintings by Kano Sansetsu of the Orchid Pavilion Gathering: A Study through a Rediscovered Photograph Resourse" By TATARA Takiko
"On the Newly Discovered Lacquer Box Nowaki Bunko: From the Aspect of Asai Chu's Designs and their Materializing" WADA Tsumiki
"Mori Ogai and Writings of Koga Kokudo in the Tokyo National Museum Collection" By TARASHIMA Satoshi

No.649 (April 2014) A4size  1572yen

"Butterfly-shaped Bone Objects from the Okinawa-Jomon Period: Focusing on Material and Form" By KANEKO Hiromasa
"On the Maitreya Statue of Yachiji Temple: With Reference to X-ray Fluorescence Analysis" By FUJIOKA Yutaka

No.648 (February 2014) A4size  1572yen

"Raku-ware Tea Bowl Chojiro Known as Mukiguri(peeled chestnut)" By SAITO Takamasa
"Reproductions of Artifacts by Kano Osanobu during his Trip to Atami in Tenpo 14" By ANDO Kaori
"Consideration of the English Information on Object Information Panels at the Tokyo National Museum: Japanese-to-English Translation Methods used for Object Names" By David MLLER

No.647 (December 2013) A4size  1572yen

"Botanical Paintings Formerly in the Kushimoto Tsuneyoshi Collection" By TANAKA Junko
"Rokkaku Shisui's Travel Record In Dalian: A Record on Lacquer-coating Railway Vehicles" By ONISHI Junko
"International Exchange between Tokyo and Glasgow: Records and Collections at the Tokyo National Museum" By ENDO Motoko

No.646 (October 2013) A4size  1572yen

"Standing Shaka Buddha by Kaikei from the Kimbell Art Museum Collection" By IWATA Shigeki
"The Konoe Family and Nishikinokoji Yoritsune, Head of Medicine: From Entries Concering Painting Activities in his Journal" By ONO Mayumi

No.645 (August 2013) A4size  1572yen

"Looking Ahead: Priority Objectives for a Strategic Approach to Developing Accessible Art Museum Provision for Visually Impaired Visitors" By YONEYAMA Mami
"Scenes from the Tale of Genji by Tosa Mitsuoki" By HONDA Mitsuko
"The Legal Status of Ueno Park, Draft, Written by Mori Ogai" By TARASHIMA Satoshi

No.644 (June 2013) A4size  1572yen

"Appreciation of Wang Xizhi's Preface to the Poems of Orchid Pavilion Gathering in Japan" By EMI Chizuko
"The Roof Tiles of the Tokyo Imperial Household Museum Main Building and the Pottery Industry of Sanshu-Takahama: Production Techniques of Glazed Tiels" By KAWASUMI Hisako

No.643 (April 2013) A4size  1572yen

"The Meibutsu Sword Known as Okayama Toshiro" By SAKAI Motoki
"Copies Cover Illustrations for the Tale of Genji Storybooks in the Tokyo National Museum Collection" By RYUSAWA Aya

No.642 (February 2013) A4size  1572yen

"A Consideration of the Twelve Scrolls of Ju'o at the Seikado Bunko Art Museum, through Related Materials from the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties." By OH Youngsam
"Seals of the Qianlong Emperor in Three Writting by Mi Fu of the Song Dynasty" By WANG Chong-ci
"Shoka meiken shu (Collection of Records about Famous Swords) in the Tokyo National Museum Collection" By TATSUMICHI Keiko

No.641 (December 2012) A4size

"The Original and Transcriptions of Koyotei ki: Based on Structual Analysis of Materials Formerly Preserved by the Ikeda Daimyo Family of Okayama Domain" By ASARI Naomi
"Features of the Shutendoji emaki Attributed to Kano Takanobu" By ONO Mayumi
"Portrait of Hori Naoyori by Kano Tan'yu with Inscriptions by Gyokushitsu Sohaku, Takuan Soho, and Kogetsu Sogan" BY KADOWAKI Mutsumi

No.640 (October 2012) A4size

"The Wooden Amida (Amitabha) Triad Statue by Inkai, Injo, Inzen, at Raigoji Temple in Shigaraki" By IWATA Shigeki
"Various Aspects of Bizen-ware Tea Caddies from the 16th and 17th Centuries" By SHIMOMURA Nahoko
"The History and Creator of the Twelve Heavenly Generals in the Collections of the Tokyo National Museum and Seikado Bunko Art Museum: Their Removal from Joruriji Temple, Kyoto, and a Newspaper Article about the Discovery of an Inscription of Unkei's Name" By JINNO Yuta

No.639 (August 2012) A4size

"Newly-discovered Ritual Site on Itsukushima Island of Aki: Study of Rocks Found Halfway up Mount Misen" By SEO Shusou
"Reproduction of the Heike nokyo Sutras by Tanaka Shinbi: The Vision of Masuda Don'o, Takahashi Soan, and Matsunaga Jian" By EMI Chizuko
"Report: The Reproduction of Braids of Lotus Sutra Scrolls in the Tokyo National Museum Collection" By NISHIOKA Chizuru

No.638 (June 2012) A4size

"The Emergence of Human-andAnimal-faced Tomb Guardian Animals, and Tomb Warrior Figures in Chinese Burials" By Yoshimura Chisako
"Autumn in the Jingoji Landscape Screen: The Star Festival and Wickerwork Fish Traps" By Izumi Mari
"Hawks and Cranes in Early Edo-period Paintings of Predatory Birds: looking into the "Salted Crane" Screen Painting" By Ono Mayumi

No.637 (April 2012) A4size

"Classification and Initial Evaluation of the Shubutsugire from Horyuji Temple" By MITA Kakuyuki
"Lithographs after Drawings by William Mulready in the Tokyo National Museum Collection" By ENDO Motoko
"Report on the Renovation Process of the Lacquerware Exhibition Room in the Honkan of the Tokyo National Museum: With a Focus on the Design and Supervision of Display Cases" By YANO Yoshikazu

No.636 (February 2012) A4size

"Analysis of the Book of Dyeing Costs in the Mitsui Bunko Collection, Part 2: Names of Dyeing and Processing Methods" By SAWAO Kai
"Sketches for the 1911 Special Exhibition of the Tokyo Imperial Household Museum: With a Focus on Sketches of Kosode Garments and Other Costumes" By SASAKI Yoshimi
"Report on a New Shape of Museum Guides for Tokyo National Museum: The Production and Lending of "Tohaku-Navi", a Location-based Guide for Smartphones" By FUJITA Chiori

No.635 (December 2011) A4size

"Analysis of the Book of Dyeing Costs in the Mitsui Bunko Collection, Part 1: The Price of Dyeing in the Early Edo Period" By SAWAO Kai
"Collaborative Research on Oil Paintings by Tokyo National Museum and Tokyo University of the Arts (2)
Optical Analysis of Boat Sailing on Mogami River by Takahashi Yuichi and Landscape (Shinobazu Pond) by Antonio Fontanesi in the Tokyo National Museum Collection" By KIJIMA Takayasu, TOMIYAMA Keisuke and TSUCHIYA Yuko
"Silver Dish with Humped Bull Design and its Inscription in Early Middle Persian" By HARUTA Seiro

No.634 (October 2011) A4size

"The Study of Edo-period Documents Related to Clothing: The Roles of Documents Exchanged between Merchants and Clients in the Selling Process" By NAGASAKI Iwao
"Clligraphers and Yamagishi Unseki: A Child in the World of Meiji-period Calligraphy" By OTANI Norihisa

No.633 (August 2011) A4size

"Paintings of the Four Deva Kings on the Sakyamuni and Amitabha Traid Pedestals in Horyuji Temple Main Hall" By IWATA Shigeki
"Report: The French-Japanese Workshop "Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage" Organized by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), and JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)" By KAMBA Nobuyuki

No.632 (June 2011) A4size

"Radio Art Programs from the 1920s to the 1950s: The Popularization of the Arts as a Form of Cultural Education" By OTA Tomoki
"Records of Citrus from Kii Province (Kishu Kankitsu Roku) by Fukuba Hayato" By TANAKA Junko
"Introduction of Recent Acquisition: Water Container with Lotus Design on Pale Blue Glazed Ground" By YOKOYAMA Azusa

No.631 (April 2011) A4size

"Appreciation of Classical Calligraphy in the Edo Period: A view from the Okadera Segment represented in Tankaku Zufu" By EMI Chizuko
"Collaborative Research on Oil Paintings by Tokyo National Museum and Tokyo University of the Arts(1): Optical Analysis of Old Woman and Self-portrait in Silhouette by Hara Busho in the Tokyo National Museum Collection" By KAMBA Nobuyuki, KIJIMA Takayasu, TSUCHIYA Yuko, SUZUKAMO Fujiko, NAKAYASU Chika
"Research Report: Sketches of Horyuji Treasures of the Kobikicho Kano Family" By ANDO Kaori

No.630 (February 2011) A4size

"Chinese Influences in Large Blue-and-White Imari Dishes of the Late Edo Period" By IMAI Atsushi
"Considerations on a Kosode with Checker and Shogi-Piece Design on White Ground, Based on Discoveries Made During Restoration" By TANAKA Yoshie
"On Hiraga Gennai's Making of Imitation Gilt-Leather" By KOBAYASHI Yoshinari

No.629 (December 2010) A4size

"Research Report: Buddhist Sculpture from the Middle Ages at Eiheiji Temple" By ASAMI Ryusuke
"The Seated Portrait of Tetsugyu Doki at Kofukuji Temple and Sho'un Genkei" By SHIOZAWA Hiroki

No.628 (October 2010) A4size

"Rethinking the Dream Surplice (Surplice with Peony Arabesque Design in Gold)" By MIYAO Motoko
"A Study on the Hand-Painted Costume Patterns of the Tayasu-Tokugawa Family" By MIZUKAMI Kayoko

No.627 (August 2010) A4size

"The Concept of Tsujigahana in Modern-Era Textile History Scholarship" By OYAMA Yuzuruha
"The Kikutei Family Book Collection in the Tokyo National Museum" By FUKUHARA Sayaka
"The Correspondence of Masaki Naohiko and Charles Lang Freer: Regarding Photographic Reproductions of Ma Yuan's Grand View of Rivers and Mountains" By ONISHI Junko

No.626 (June 2010) A4size

"Ogawa Kazumasa's Photography of Beijing and his Appointment as Artist to the Imperial Household" By SEKI Noriko
"Introducing the Illustrated Album of Old Courtly Customs in the Tokyo National Museum Collection" By INOKUMA Kaneki

No.625 (April 2010) A4size

"Reconsidering the Gilt Bronze Kanjo-ban Ritual Banner from the Treasures of Horyuji Temple, with a Focus on Documents from the Time of its Production" By MITA Kakuyuki
"Considerations on Mukae-Ko Ceremonies and the Composition of Raigo-zu Paintings: A Focus on Hanging Scrolls Depicting Bodhisattvas and an Acolyte Preserved by Hokkeji Temple" By ANDO Kaori
"Wood Types and Material Selection for Japanese Wooden Statues of the Ancient Period, Ⅲ: Further Thoughts on 8th and 9th Century Sculptures" By KANEKO Hiroaki, IWASA Mitsuharu, NOSHIRO Shuichi and FUJII Tomoyuki

No.624 (February 2010) A4size

"Three Mural Fragments Featuring Sutra Text in Chinese Characters from the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region―Otani Collection, Tokyo National Museum―" By MISHIMA Takao
"Study of Crown Base Styles of Buddhist Statues from the End of the Heian to the Mid-Kamakura Period, Focusing on Examples by Nara and Kei School Sculptors" By SASAKI Asuka
"The Genjoraku Mask Preserved by the Amanosha Shrine, Mount Koya" By IWATA Shigeki

No.623 (December 2009) A4size

"Introducing a Hariti with Ten Raksasi Hanging Scroll with a "Nobuharu" Seal" By MATSUSHIMA Masato
"Additional Views on The Four Devas in the Golden Hall of Horyuji Temple" By IWATA Shigeki
"Issues Relating to the Organization of International Exhibitions: Reports on the 5th Annual Meeting of the International Exhibition Organizers (IEO)" By KITO Satomi

No.622 (October 2009) A4size

"The Study of Parasol-Shaped Wooden Objects in the Tokyo National Museum Collection" By SUZUKI Hiroaki, ARIMA Noboru, HIDAKA Shin, OKUYAMA Masayoshi, FUKUDA Sayoko and OKABAYASHI Kosaku
"Research Findings: Buddhist Sculptures of Shokokuji and its Sub-Temples" By ASAMI Ryusuke

No.621 (August 2009) A4size

"Report on CT-Scanned Images of the Seated Dainichi Nyorai Statue of Kotokuji Temple" By MARUYAMA Shiro, KANBA Nobuyuki, ASAMI Ryusuke, IMAZU Setsuo, KUSUI Takashi and TORIGOE Toshiyuki
"Copies of the Fan-Shaped Lotus Sutra Books: Okakura Tenshin, Kobori Tomoto and the Imperial Museum's Reproductions Project" By EMI Chizuko

No.620 (June 2009) A4size

"Research Report: Buddhist Sculptures of Rokuharamitsuji Temple" By ASAMI Ryusuke

No.619 (April 2009) A4size

"Bows and Arrows Owned by Hannyaji Temple and Kasuga Taisha Shrine" By SAKAI Motoki
"Separated Sections from the Set of Paintings Known as Pigeons and Other Small Birds (Tokyo National Museum) Held in Overseas Collections: Focusing on a section in The British Museum Collection" By KATO Hiroko
"New Acquisition: Large dish in lapis lazuli glaze with white floral design" By MIKASA Keiko
"Tokyo National Museum during World War Ⅱ, as Seen through Daily Records of the Tokyo Imperial Household Museum's Curatorial Department" By TARASHIMA Satoshi

No.618 (February 2009) A4size

"On the Wooden Bishamonten Statue in the Main Building of Risshakuji Temple, Yamagata City" By NAGASAKA Ichiro
"Kunen and the Taima Mandala Embroidered from Human Hair: The activities of a priest from the early pre-modern period and their significance" By HIOKI Atsuko
"The Emergence of the Concept of Art in the Early Meiji Period" By NOROTA Jun'ichi

No.617 (December 2008) A4size

"Textile Cord Bindings on Iron Swords from Kofun Tombs: Materials and manufacturing methods" By SAWADA Mutsuyo
"The Fusuma Sliding Door Paintings of the Meiji Imperial Palace Tsunegoten: the roles of Yamataka Nobuakira, a screen in the Shosoin collection, and the Sutra Scrolls Donated by Heike Clan" By EMI Chizuko

No.616 (October 2008) A4size

"Study of the Wooden Coffin from Emorizuka No. 2 Tumulus in Yamagata City" By OKABAYASHI Kosaku, HIDAKA Shin, OKUYAMA Masayoshi and SUZUKI Hiroaki
"The study of museum history 1: Outline of the Tokyo Imperial Household Museum's Transport of Cultural Properties to Safer Places during World War Ⅱ and Newly-Discovered Related Materials: An introduction to Okinashima Sokai Nisshi (working title)" By MISHIMA Takao
"Introducing a recent acquisition: Shallow bowl with kingfisher design in overglaze enamel" By IMAI Atsushi

No.615 (August 2008) A4size

"The Five Buddha from the Mandala of the Two Realms, Based on the Merging of Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism" By TOMISHIMA Yoshiyuki
"The Date of the Miniature Shrine for Reliquary with Maki-e Lacquer Design of Lotus Pond by Igarashi" By TAKEUCHI Namiko
"Hokusai's Study of Kanga―the motifs, compositions and painting techniques he taught himself" By NAITO Masato
"Fujioka Sakutaro's Art History Study―Meiji 35 (1902), Sukagawa and Aodo Denzen―" By MURAKADO Noriko

No.614 (June 2008) A4size

"Study of Wooden Coffin from Suginonawate Tumulus in Shizuoka City" By OKABAYASHI Kosaku, HIDAKA Shin, OKUYAMA Masayoshi and SUZUKI Hiroaki
"The Nyoirin Kannon of Jushoji Temple, Matsuura, Hizen province" By TAKESHITA Masahiro
"Album of Scenic Places in Sagami Province in the Collection of the Tokyo National Museum" By TSURUOKA Akemi
"Three Casting Molds for Banliang Coins and Wuzhu Coins in the Tokyo National Museum Collection―Study notes on the production of stone and bronze molds" By TANI Toyonobu

No.613 (April 2008) A4size

"The Origins of Techniques of Painting on Gold Leafed Ground―Influence of Christian Painting" By SASAKI Johei and SASAKI Masako
"A comparative study on the theme―Returning Home by Korean and Japanese Painters" By SUN Seunghye
"Oguchi Shugyo's Views of Historical Calligraphy and Tekagami "Getsudai"" By TAKAHASHI Toshiro
"Letter to Harima by Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Tokyo National Museum Collection―A New Interpretation of His Signature, "Daifu"" By TAKANASHI Masayuki

No.612 (February 2008) A4size

"Notes on the Daibutsuden Style Statues of Four Deva Kings―Also Introducing the Works from Kanjinsho's Amida hall in Todaiji" By IWATA Shigeki
"Restoration and New Discovery on Snowscape by Takahashi Yuichi in the Tokyo National Museum Collection" By TSUCHIYA Yuko
"Technical Analysis and Conservation of Kalamkari (Chintz with tree design on a white ground) in the Collection of the Tokyo National Museum" By ISHII Mie and YAMAZAKI Makiko
"Scientific Analysis of the Dyes Used for Chintz with Tree Design on White Ground" By TSUKADA Masahiko

No.611 (December 2007) A4size

"The Creation of Education Center in the Hyokeikan Gallery―Space for Everyone to Enjoy Educational Programs" By KASHIMA Masaru
"Education Activities at the Tokyo Notional Museum" By KOBAYASHI Maki
"Case Study of Museum Education Denver Art Museum―From "Museum Education" to "Visitors' Experience"" By SUZUKI Midori
"The Role of Art Activity Tools in Museums as Demonstrated through the Family Gallery" By FUJITA Chiori
"Cultural History Exhibitions for Children―Historical Study of Tokyo National Museum's Educational Activities: Post-war period―" By KANBE Chika

No.610 (October 2007) A4size

"The "Literati Style" Seen in the Designs of Ceramics from Jingdezhen Non-imperial Kilns during the Late Ming Dynasty" By IMAI Atsushi
"Fragments of Twill Weave Ban from the Horyuji Treasures―New Discoveries Made through 2005-2006 Repair Work―" By SAWADA Mutsuyo
"Books in the Imperial Household Museum Collection and Mori Ogai's "Discovery"" By TAKAHASHI Yuji
"History of Life like Dolls in the Tokyo Notional Museum Collection" By EMI Chizuko

No.609 (August 2007) A4size

"Newly Found Segments of Tsugi-shikishi ―Introduction and thoughts" By SHIMATANI Hiroyuki
"Deploying 3-D Digitalized Imaging Systems in Archeological Applications" By SUZUKI Tsutomu
"Persian Inlaid Gold Necklace" By GOTOH Takeshi

No.608 (June 2007) A4size

"Re-consideration on Guan Celadon Ware from the Southern Song Dynasty" By MIKASA Keiko
"New Insights about Keko with Openwork Designs of Hosoge flowers from Jinsho-ji" By SAKAI Motoki
"Lacquer Artist Takeuchi Shoji" By TAKAO Yo
"Some Thoughts on the Exhibition "Maori Treasures from the Museum of New Zealand te Papa Tongarewa" at the Tokyo National Museum" By FUKAYAMA Naoko
"Internpreting Cross-cultural Communication and International Exchange" By SHIRAI Katsuya

No.607 (April 2007) A4size

"Basic Thoughts on Address at the Memorial Ceremony for the Prince, from the Horyuji Tresures" By TONO Haruyuki
"Line-Engraved Wall Drawings at the Iioyama Rock-cut Tombs on Oki Island" By WATANABE Sadayuki
"New Acquisition: Copy of Detail from Merry-Making under Blossoming Aronia Tree by Mizoguchi Teijiro" By ONO Mayumi
"Pressed Leaves by Takano Choei" By TOMISAKA Ken

No.606 (February 2007) A4size

"Reconstruction of Stone Sculpture Elements from Zar Dheri Buddhist Temple Site" By KOIZUMI Yoshihide
"Suiryu-jo by Ike no Taiga and Compilation of Its Colophons" By MARUYAMA Naokazu
"Hosodachi Style Sword Mounting with Maki-e Lacquer Design of Shionoyama by Iizuka Toyo and Related Document" By OHASHI Toshio

No.605 (December 2006) A4size

"Farewell Poem to Sesshu with Preface by Luan Chunzho" By KUNIGO Hideaki
"New Insights in the Authorship of Gojingahara Field in the Collection of the Tokyo National Museum" By KANEKO Nobuhisa
"Wooden Statue of Standing Amida Nyorai" By ASAMI Ryusuke
"Cakra Wheel" By KASHIMA Masaru

No.604 (October 2006) A4size

"The Association of Paul Renouard and Hayashi Tadamasa" By KIGI Yasuko
"Paul Renouard and French Illustrations of the l9th century" By KOKATSU Reiko
"His Dream will Finally Come True―the Exhibition of Paul Renouard's drawings collected by Hayashi Tadamasa―" By OKI Yukiko
"Hayashi Tadamasa: Reformer of Japanese Arts in the Meiji Period" By YAMANASHI Emiko
"Drawings and Prints by Paul Renouard in the Collection of the Tokyo National Museum―Painting materials, techniques and conservation―" By TSUCHIYA Yuko
"Collection of Drawings and Prints by Paul Renouard: Chemical Analysis of Adhesive used for Old Matting" By TSUKADA Masahiko

No.603 (August 2006) A4size

"Nirvana Painting with "Mubun" Seal Owned by Chojuji Temple in Nanao City―A Study of Hasegawa Tohaku―" By MATSUBARA Shigeru
"Chemical Analysis of Red Seal Paste on Diplomatic Letters between Japan and Korea" By WADA Hiroshi
"Statues of Kannon Bosatsu and Seishi Bosatsu Formerly Owned by Toji" By ITO Shiro
"Round Eave-end Tile with Tao-tie Design" By TANI Toyonobu

No.602 (June 2006) A4size

"The Fischers and the Tokyo Imperial Household Museum: Study of the Japanese-German Exchange Program #1" By SHIRAI Katsuya
"A Study of The Great Limestone Railing at Amaravati (2)―Chronology of the Railing" By SHIMADA Akira
"Outline of structured model for museum object information" By MURATA Ryoji
"Furisode Garment with Maple Tree, Bamboo Fence and Character Design on White Nume Satin" By OYAMA Yuzuruha

No.601 (April 2006) A4size

"The Nagata Collection featuring the Paulownia Screen by Sakai Hoitsu and Kato Chikage" By IDA Taro
"A Study of The Great Limestone Railing at Amaravati (1)―The Process of Construction" By SHIMADA Akira
"Tan'yu Shukuzu (Reduced copies of Notable Paintings by Kano Tan'yu) part 2" By ONO Mayumi
"Report on repair work: Seated Amida Nyorai from Ganshoji in Susono-shi" By ASAMI Ryusuke

No.600 (February 2006) A4size

"The Tokyo National Museum as a Universal Museum" By NISHIOKA Yasuhiro
"The Shaking Tokyo National Museum: November 2005" By KANEKO Hiroaki
"Museums as the Media: Public Relations Activities of the Tokyo National Museum" By KOBAYASHI Maki
"International activities of the Tokyo National Museum: Roles as a national center" By KITO Satomi
"Volunteer Activities at Tokyo National Museum and Observations about the Future" By KASHIMA Masaru
"Risk Assessment of the Museum Environment" By WADA Hiroshi and KAMBA Nobuyuki
"Advocating the Museum as the Center of Cultural Activities" By KAKUI Hiroshi