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Bugaku Performances in the Muromachi Period

Major Work(s) on Exhibit 5 results
Designation Name Creation/
Period Acquisition/
Accession Number
Highlight Important Cultural Property "Bugaku" Mask: "Taishōtoku" Passed down at Niutsuhime Shrine, Wakayama Kamakura period, 13th–14th century C-467
Highlight Important Cultural Property "Bugaku" Mask: "Ōnintei" Passed down at Niutsuhime Shrine, Wakayama Kamakura period, 13th–14th century C-460
Highlight Important Cultural Property "Bugaku" Costume ("Hō") with Animal Roundels Passed down at Niutsuhime Shrine, Wakayama Muromachi period, 1454 I-2271
Highlight Important Cultural Property "Bugaku" Costume ("Ryōtō") with Repeating Circles and Floral Vines Passed down at Niutsuhime Shrine, Wakayama Muromachi period, 15th century I-2270
Highlight Important Cultural Property "Bugaku" Costume ("Hanpi") with Butterflies Passed down at Niutsuhime Shrine, Wakayama Muromachi period, 15th century I-2279