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Major Work(s) on Exhibit 5 results
Designation Name Creation/
Period Acquisition/
Accession Number
Highlight The Bodhisattva Kannon of the Wish-Granting Jewel and Dharma Wheel Kamakura period, 13th century C-1883
Highlight Important Cultural Property The Buddha Dainichi Heian period, 11th–12th century C-311
Important Cultural Property The Wisdom King Fudō Heian period, 11th century C-1525
Highlight The Buddha Yakushi Heian period, 11th century Lent by Sohgo Security Services Co., Ltd.
Highlight Important Cultural Property The Bodhisattva Monju Riding His Lion, Accompanied by Followers By Kōen (born 1207), Passed down at Kōfukuji Temple, Nara Kamakura period, 1273 C-1854