February 1, 2022

Collaborative Products by Hobonichi Co., Ltd. and Tokyo National Museum

「ほぼ日手帳」は、毎年ユーザーの方の声をヒントに少しずつ改良を重ね、発売から20年以上経ったいまも多くの方に愛されている手帳です。この度、所蔵品をデザインモチーフにしたほぼ日手帳カバーと週間手帳が発売となりました。(写真:吉森 慎之介)

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A New Beginning with You

Tokyo National Museum will be celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2022.

TNM began with a historic exhibition in 1872, and since then has always pursued its core mission of protecting cultural properties and passing them down to future generations. These properties, entrusted to us by our ancestors, are humanity’s treasures.

In 2022, we will take another step forward with the hope of connecting past and present, and bringing society closer together. We will be sharing with even wider audiences the fascination of cultural properties and the excitement of visiting TNM, while reflecting on our 150 years of history.

This is a new beginning for us and our collections that we invite you to participate in through upcoming events and exhibitions.