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2017 Newly Designated National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties

  • Image of "Seated Shaka nyorai(Sakyamuni), Bronze, Asuka Period, 7th century, (National Treasure, Lent by Jindaiji temple,Tokyo)"

    Seated Shaka nyorai(Sakyamuni), Bronze, Asuka Period, 7th century, (National Treasure, Lent by Jindaiji temple,Tokyo)

    Japanese Gallery (Honkan) Room 8 & Room 11
    April 18, 2017 (Tue) - May 7, 2017 (Sun)

    Important Cultural Property is the status given to paintings, sculptures, decorative arts, calligraphy, books, documents, historical materials, archaeological objects, and buildings that have been deemed culturally or scientifically important to Japan. They are designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as items of national heritage that should be preserved for future generations. From among these, items that are inherently superior or have a high artistic value are designated as National Treasures.

    This exhibition contains 46 items, which were newly designated as National Treasures or Important Cultural Properties in 2017. We hope you enjoy the rare opportunity to see these important items.

 Major works in this exhibition
 Major works in this exhibition
Seated Shaka nyorai(Sakyamuni), Bronze, Asuka Period, 7th century, (National Treasure, Lent by Jindaiji temple,Tokyo)
Complete Buddhist Sutras from the Song Tripitaka, Southern Song Dynasty,12th century (National Treasure, Lent by Daigoji Temple, Kyoto)
Wooden Tablets excavated from the Nara Palace Site, Nara Period, 8th century (National Treasure, Lent by Nara National Institute for Cultural Properties)
Objects from Todaijiyama Tumulus, Nara, Ealry Kofun Period 4th century (National Treasure, Tokyo National Museum)
Fragment of Scroll "Frolicking Animals and People", Heian Period, 12tn century (Important Cultural Property, Tokyo National Museum)
Seated Senju kannon(Thousand-armed Kannon), wood, Heian Period, 12th century (Important Cultural Property, Lent by Oyakushisama Bunkazai Hozon-kai, Miyagi)
Tea Bowl with Incised Bottom, Warikodai Type, Joseon Dynasty, 16th century, Korea (Important Cultural Property, Lent by Hatakeyama Memorial Museum of Fine Art, Tokyo)
Mitsuyōshō(Collected texts of Esoteric Buddhism), Heian–Edo Period, 12–19th century (Important Cultural Property, Lent by Ninnaji Temple, Kyoto)
Diary by NAKANOIN, Michifuyu, By NAKANOIN Michifuyu, Nanbokucho period, 14th century (Important Cultural Property, Lent by Tokyo University)
Objects from Shimojuku Site, Gunma, Incipen Jomon Period (Important Cultural Property, Lent by Ota City, Gunma)
Records of Compilation section for  Dainihonshi in Mito Tokugawa Family,  Edo–Meiji Period, 17th–20th century  (Important Cultural Property, Lent by The University of Kyoto)


 Related website
 Related website
About Agency for Cultural Affairs : http://www.bunka.go.jp/