Writing Box with a Bird and Flowers, China, Ming dynasty, 16th century (Important Cultural Property
Asian Gallery (Toyokan) Room 9
August 6, 2019 (Tue) - October 27, 2019 (Sun)
This part introduces the various methods and designs in Chinese lacquerware. Lacquerware is a form of decorative art made by applying lacquer sap on vessels and utensils, a practice which developed widely in China, Japan, Korea, and the Southeast Asian regions, in techniques and designs unique to each area. China, in particular, has a history of lacquerware of as long as 7000 years.
Current exhibit includes:
Box with Dragons among Clouds, China, Southern Song dynasty, 13th century
Box with a Dragon and Phoenix, China, Ming dynasty, dated 1592
Writing Box with a Bird and Flowers, China, Ming dynasty, 16th century (Important Cultural Property
Writing Table with Birds and Flowers, China, Ming dynasty, 16th century (Important Cultural Property)