Tachi Sword, Known as “Dojikiri Yasutsuna” (detail), By Yasutsuna, Heian period, 10th–12th century (National Treasure)
Japanese Gallery (Honkan) Room 13
November 27, 2018 (Tue) - February 17, 2019 (Sun)
Exhibits selected swords and sword-fittings from the Heian to Edo periods, including the Tachi Sword, Known as “Dojikiri Yasutsuna” By Yasutsuna.
Current exhibit includes:
Tachi Sword, Known as “Dojikiri Yasutsuna”, By Yasutsuna, Heian period, 10th–12th century (National Treasure)
Katana Sword, Known as “Ishida Masamune”, By Masamune, Kamakura period, 14th century (Important Cultural Property)