Standing Komoku Ten (Virupaksa), Heian period, 9th century (Important Cultural Property, Lent by Shojoji, Fukushima)
Japanese Gallery (Honkan) Room 11
February 7, 2017 (Tue) - April 16, 2017 (Sun)
This gallery introduces the history of sculptural art in Japan through prototypical wood-sculptures featuring examples dating from the Heian and Kamakura periods, the zenith of Japanese sculpture.
Current exhibit includes:
Standing Nitenno (Two Heavenly Kings), Right statue, Heian period, 11th - 12th century (Lent by Yofukuji, Tokyo)
Standing Komoku Ten (Virupaksa), Heian period, 9th century (Important Cultural Property, Lent by Shojoji, Fukushima)
Standing Bishamon Ten (Vaisravana), Heian period, 9th century (Important Cultural Property, Lent by Dojoji, Wakayama)