Five Pines, By Li Shan, China, Qing dynasty, 18th century
Asian Gallery (Toyokan) Room 8
January 2, 2014 (Thu) - February 9, 2014 (Sun)
To celebrate the New Year, this exhibition features paintings of flowers and plants loved by Chinese literati: pines, bamboo and plum blossom in particular.
Current exhibit includes:
Plum Blossoms, By Ding Ren, Republic period, dated 1946 (Gift of Mr. Aoyama Keiji)
Bamboo, By Wu Hong, China, Qing dynasty, 17th century
Five Pines, By Li Shan, China, Qing dynasty, 18th century
Narcissuses, By Chen Shu, China, Qing dynasty, dated 1734