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Past Lectures

(1) Commemorative Lecture "The Essential Duchamp: His Art and Life"

*In English,with Japanese interpretation

October 6, 2018 (Sat)
13:30 - 15:00
Japanese Archaeology and Special Exhibition (Heiseikan)-Auditorium
Lecture by
Matthew Affron, Curator of Philadelphia Museum of Art
380 seats (* Reservations are required in advance. Random choice when overbooked.)
Free with Museum admission
How to Apply
Write the names of each person applying (up to 2 people), your address, postal code, telephone number and the lecture number((1)"The Essential Duchamp: His Art and Life" ) on an ofuku hagaki (reply-paid postcard; available at post office) and your name, your return address and postal code on the reply-card and send it to the address below by Tuesday, September 18.
Send to
ATTN:"(1) Commemorative Lecture "
Lectures and Educational Event Programing, Tokyo National Museum
13-9 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo
110-8712 JAPAN
03-5777-8600 (Hello dial)

Related Exhibition

  1. Collaborative Exhibition Project between the Tokyo National Museum and the Philadelphia Museum of Art: Marcel Duchamp and Japanese Art
  2. Japanese Archaeology and Special Exhibition (Heiseikan)-Special Exhibition Gallery 1 & 2
    October 2, 2018 (Tue) - December 9, 2018 (Sun)

Related Events

  1. (2) Talk Event "Rediscovering Japan through Duchamp"
  2. Japanese Archaeology and Special Exhibition (Heiseikan)-Auditorium
    October 16, 2018 (Tue) 14:00 - 15:00