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Overseas Exhibitions



Ink and Gold: Art of the Kano

The exhibition Ink and Gold: Art of the Kano, for which the Tokyo National Museum provided special collaboration, will be held at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in the United States. It features 120 works of the Kano school, which reigned as a major school of painting from the Muromachi (1392–1573) to the late Edo (1603–1868) period. Providing a comprehensive overview of its 400-year history, this exhibition ranges from the school’s founder, Kano Masanobu (1434–1530), to the modern-period masters Kano Hogai (1828–1888) and Hashimoto Gaho (1835–1908) who studied the Kano style.

Exhibition Title: Ink and Gold: Art of the Kano
Dates: February 16, 2015 - May 10, 2015
Venue: Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA
Organizers: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Agency for Cultural Affairs
With the Special Assistance of: Tokyo National Museum

Major works in this exhibition  *All works are in the Tokyo National Museum Collection

Genji's wife and former lover compete for vantage point at Kamo Festival, By Kano Sanraku, Edo period, 17th century (Important Cultural Property)
Taoistic Immortals Seiobo and Tobosaku, Attributed to Kano Motonobu, Muromachi period, 16th century (Important Cultural Property)
Sketches of Flowering Plants, By Kano Tan'yu, Edo period, 17th century

Photo: Genji's wife and former lover compete for vantage point at Kamo Festival (detail), By Kano Sanraku, Edo period, 17th century (Important Cultural Property)